“Swiss DSM” Beta-carotene (Bag)

Crystal or crystalline powder or plate of carotene dark reddish purple to dark red shiny micro crystal. 




1. Commodity name: Beta carotene

2. Brand:Swiss DSM

3. Origin:Holland

4. Specification:  5kg*4 bags/box

5. English name: beta -Carotene

6. CAS: 7235-40-7

7. Chemical: C40H56

8. Molar mass: 536.88

9. Nature:

Rhombohedral crystal or crystalline powder or plate of carotene dark reddish purple to dark red shiny micro crystal. It has slight odor and odor in smell. The dilute solution is orange to yellow, with increasing concentrations of orange due to the polarity of the solvent can be slightly red. Instability when meets the Oxygen, heat and light, stable in weak. Insoluble in water, propylene glycol, glycerin, acid and alkali, soluble in carbon disulfide, benzene, chloroform, slightly soluble in ether, petroleum ether, cyclohexane and vegetable oil, hardly soluble in methanol and ethanol.




Store in clean, cool, dry and sealed con­di­tion.




Food Toning


It is very suitable for the development of oily products and protein products, such as margarine, capsules, fish paste products, vegetarian products, instant noodles and so on.


Beauty & Skin Care


β-carotene has a slight and sus­tained sweat­ing ef­fect, which can stim­u­late skin me­tab­o­lism and im­prove blood cir­cu­la­tion, thus mak­ing skin ten­der and smooth and ruddy, and has a unique ef­fect on beauty and skin care.


Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals In­dus­try


Strengthen im­mune candy and en­hance re­sis­tance. Pre­vent can­cer and re­duce the prob­a­bil­ity of cer­vi­cal can­cer and lung can­cer. Pre­ven­tion of cataract is help­ful to pro­tect the fi­brous part of eye lens.