“Huatian” Neotame(Pot)

Neotame, which is very similar with aspartame of sweetness, no bitterness and other after taste, sweetness is 8000 times as sucrose. 




1. Commodity name: Neotame

2. Brand: Huatian

3. CAS No: 165450-17-9

4. Specification: 0.25kg*4 bottles/box

5. Molecular formula: C20H30N2O5

6. Molar mass: 378.46

7. Properties: white crystalline powder

8. Water: contains about 4.5% water of crystallization

9. Melting: 80.9-83.4℃

10. Specific rotation: -39.8°

11. Properties:

Neotame, which is very similar with aspartame of sweetness, no bitterness and other after taste, sweetness is 8000 times as sucrose. Neotame is stability almost the same with aspartame under acidic conditions. In the condition of neutral PH range or instantaneous high temperature, neotame is much more stable than aspartame.




Store in clean, cool, dry and sealed condition.






Neo­tame can last for 16 weeks in cola-type car­bon­ated bev­er­ages, which is con­sis­tent with the shelf life of low-en­ergy car­bon­ated bev­er­ages sold in the mar­ket. It can also be used in lemon­ade, root juice and other bev­er­ages.


Dairy Prod­ucts


Neo­tame can be used in dairy prod­ucts, ice cream and other frozen desserts. When such prod­ucts af­ter the shelf life, the study found that only 2% of neo­tame is lost, which has no ef­fect on the ac­cept­abil­ity of the prod­ucts, while other sweet­en­ers rarely reach this level. Neo­tame is es­pe­cially suit­able for yo­gurt pro­duc­tion.


Baked Food


Un­like as­par­tame, neo­tame is sta­ble un­der in­stan­ta­neous high tem­per­a­ture, so it can be used in cook­ies, cakes, choco­late cakes and other baked foods. For ex­am­ple, in cake pro­duc­tion, af­ter bak­ing at 450℃, 85% neo­tame still ex­ists; How­ever, at 25℃ and 60% rel­a­tive hu­mid­ity for 5 days, only 4% neo­tame is lost. In fact, even 20% loss will not af­fect the prod­uct.