"Jinhe" Su­cralose

Su­cralose is a non-nu­tri­tive sweet­ener, which is as fine par­ti­cles of white crys­talline pow­der, no smell, very sol­u­ble in wa­ter 




1. Scientific name:6'-trichloro-4,1', 6',-trideoxygalactose

2. Brand:Anhui Jinhe

3. Specification:1kg×10 packets/box

4. English Name:Sucralose

5. Popular name: Sucralose; Sucrose crystal; Trichlorogalactose

6. CAS:56038-13-2

7. Chem­i­cal:C12H19Cl3O8

8. Molar mass:397.64

9. Melt­ing point:80.9-83.4℃

10. Su­cralose is a non-nu­tri­tive sweet­ener, which is as fine par­ti­cles of white crys­talline pow­der, no smell, very sol­u­ble in wa­ter (sol­u­bil­ity 28.2g, 20℃), dis­solved with­out bub­bles and par­ti­cles, and very sta­ble with the light, heat, and PH.

11. Eas­ily sol­u­ble in wa­ter, ethanol and methanol. It is cur­rently the only func­tional sweet­en­ers that pro­duced by su­crose as raw ma­te­r­ial, the sweet­ness is 600 times that of su­crose, and sweet taste pure, which is al­most the same with su­crose, which make it unique to com­pare with other sweet­en­ers.




Store in clean, cool, dry and sealed con­di­tion.




Food Pro­cess­ing


Su­cralose is widely used in bev­er­ages, chew­ing gum, dairy prod­ucts, can­died fruit, syrup, bread, cakes, ice cream, jam, jelly, pud­ding and other foods. Fer­mented food; Pro­duc­tion of canned fruits and pre­served foods. Su­cralose is widely used in baked food be­cause of its high tem­per­a­ture re­sis­tance and low calorific value. The sweet­ness of su­cralose prod­ucts heated at high tem­per­a­ture does not change and there is no mea­sur­able loss. It is com­mon to add su­cralose to baked cakes and sweets.


Health Food & Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal In­dus­try


It can be used for peo­ple who can't eat nu­tri­tive sweet­ener, such as obe­sity pa­tients, di­a­betes, etc.