“Hu­tai” Ti­ta­nium Diox­ide

This prod­uct is made of high dis­per­sion food grade raw ma­te­ri­als and the de­vel­op­ment of liq­uid white pig­ment, milky white vis­cous liq­uid.




1. Com­mod­ity name: White pig­ment

2. Eng­lish name: Titanium Dioxide

3. Brand: Hu­tai

4. Spec­i­fi­ca­tion: 20kg/ bag; 20kg/ bar­rel

5. CAS:13463-67-7

6. Chem­i­cal:TiO2

7. Mo­lar mass:79.88

8. Melt­ing: 1855

9. Na­ture:

This prod­uct is made of high dis­per­sion food grade raw ma­te­ri­als and the de­vel­op­ment of liq­uid white pig­ment, milky white vis­cous liq­uid, as a semi fluid, fine par­ti­cles, good color and lus­ter, scat­tered high, sta­bil­ity, not easy to pro­duce pre­cip­i­ta­tion. It’s with a strong acid, al­kali, salt, ther­mal char­ac­ter­is­tics. In the range of 2-10 of the in­ter­nal pH en­vi­ron­ment keep ex­cel­lent sta­bil­ity, no floc­cu­la­tion pre­cip­i­ta­tion phe­nom­e­non, heavy metal con­tent is low, good us­ing ef­fect and con­ve­nient use, is a col­or­ing ef­fect good ed­i­ble pig­ment.




Store in clean, cool, dry and sealed con­di­tion.




Food Industry


Used for candy and choco­late coat­ing, cold fruit, puffed food, chew­ing gum, solid bev­er­age with­out sweet­ener and con­cen­trated solid bev­er­age, bev­er­age con­tain­ing emul­sion, cos­met­ics, jam, salad dress­ing and may­on­naise.





In phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal prepa­ra­tions, it can be used as white col­orant to pre­pare film-coated sus­pen­sion, sugar coat­ing and gelatin cap­sule, and can also be mixed with other col­orants to be used in skin prepa­ra­tions, and can also be used as ex­cip­i­ent in­stead of starch.





Foun­da­tion, pow­der, sun­screen, eye shadow, lip­stick, lip­stick, tooth­paste, tal­cum pow­der, prickly heat pow­der, cream, white soap.