“Wanglong” Potassium Sorbate

It's colorless to white flaky crystal or crystalline powder, odorless or slight odor.



1. Chemical Name: Potassium sorbate

2. Name: F - (2, 4) - potassium acid

3. CAS: 24634-61-5

4. Chemical: C6H7KO2

5. Molar mass: 150.22

6. Melting: 270 ℃

7. Character:

It's colorless to white flaky crystal or crystalline powder, odorless or slight odor. Instability in the air can be oxidized coloring, hygroscopic, and soluble in water and ethanol. Mainly used as food preservatives, preservatives are acidic. Can effectively inhibit molds, yeasts and bacteria in aerobic activity, so as to effectively prolong the food preservation time, and maintain the original flavor of food.




Store in clean, cool, dry and sealed con­di­tion.




Food Pro­cess­ing


Potas­sium sor­bate is widely used as a food preser­v­a­tive. In 1982, China ap­proved its use and pro­mul­gated the stan­dard, which stip­u­lated that the al­low­able con­cen­tra­tion of flour prod­ucts, pick­les, canned food, dried fruits, dairy prod­ucts and condi­ments was 0.02% ~ 0.1%. Adding 1% potas­sium sor­bate to meat prod­ucts can ob­vi­ously in­hibit the pro­duc­tion of Clostrid­ium bot­u­linum toxin. FAO sets a se­ries of stan­dards for food, which clearly stip­u­lates that the max­i­mum dosage of potas­sium sor­bate is 0.28/​kg.


An­i­mal Feed


Potas­sium sor­bate can in­hibit the growth of mold in feed, es­pe­cially in­hibit the for­ma­tion of afla­toxin, so adding potas­sium sor­bate can ef­fec­tively avoid the spoilage of feed, and can still re­sist the growth of mi­croor­gan­isms in an­i­mal in­testines. Feed is prone to spoilage dur­ing stor­age, trans­porta­tion and sales, so the ap­pli­ca­tion mar­ket of potas­sium sor­bate in feed in­dus­try is huge.