“Xinkang”Sodium Benzoate (Ball)

Sodium benzoate is mostly white particles, odorless or microstrip benzoin smell, taste slightly sweet, convergence.



1. Commodity name: Sodium benzoate

2. Name: benzoic acid sodium

3. Brand: Xinkang

4. Specification: 25kg/ bag

5. CAS: 532-32-1

6. Chemical formula: C6H5CO2Na

7. Molar mass: 144.1032

8. Melting: 300 degrees C

9. Shape: cylindrical, spherical powder

10. Properties:

Sodium benzoate is mostly white particles, odorless or microstrip benzoin smell, taste slightly sweet, convergence; soluble in about water (room temperature) 53.0g/100ml, pH is about 8; Sodium benzoate is also an acid preservative, in the alkaline media, no bactericidal, antibacterial effect; the best pH is 2.5~4.0, the solution of 5% of the bactericidal effect is not very good at pH5.0.




Store in clean, cool, dry and sealed con­di­tion.




Food In­dus­try


It is mainly used as food preser­v­a­tive in food in­dus­try, and is used for the preser­va­tion of soy sauce, vine­gar, low-salt pick­les, fruit juice, jam, fruit wine, canned food, soda, bev­er­age syrup, to­bacco, etc.


Med­ical In­dus­try


In the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal in­dus­try, it can be used to pre­pare drugs such as anal­gar seda­tives and to pre­serve the syrup of tra­di­tional Chi­nese med­i­cine pills.


The Dye, Plas­tics & Fla­vor In­dus­tries


It can be used for an­ti­cor­ro­sion and mildew pre­ven­tion of an­tirust pa­per, la­tex paint, shoe pol­ish, glue and fab­ric. In ad­di­tion, it can also be used to man­u­fac­ture mor­dants in dye in­dus­try, plas­ti­ciz­ers in plas­tic in­dus­try and raw ma­te­ri­als in per­fume in­dus­try. As a chem­i­cal reagent, as a co­sol­vent for serum biliru­bin test.