“Hu­a­t­ian” Neo­tame(Packet)

Neo­tame, which is very sim­i­lar with as­par­tame of sweet­ness, no bit­ter­ness and other af­ter taste, sweet­ness is 8000 times as su­crose. 




1. Chinese name:Niu Tian

2. Commodity name:Neotame

3. CAS No:165450-17-9

4. Spec­i­fi­ca­tion:1kg×20 packets/box

5. Chem­i­cal:C20H30N2O5

6. Mo­lar mass:378.46

7. Shape:white crys­talline pow­der

8. Wa­ter: con­tains about 4.5% wa­ter of crys­tal­liza­tion

9. Melt­ing:80.9-83.4℃

10. Spe­cific ro­ta­tion:-39.8°

11. Neo­tame, which is very sim­i­lar with as­par­tame of sweet­ness, no bit­ter­ness and other af­ter taste, sweet­ness is 8000 times as su­crose. Neo­tame is sta­bil­ity al­most the same with as­par­tame un­der acidic con­di­tions.

12. In the con­di­tion of neu­tral PH range or in­stan­ta­neous high tem­per­a­ture, neo­tame is much more sta­ble than as­par­tame.




Store in clean, cool, dry and sealed condition.






Neotame can last for 16 weeks in cola-type carbonated beverages, which is consistent with the shelf life of low-energy carbonated beverages sold in the market. It can also be used in lemonade, root juice and other beverages.



Dairy Products


Neotame can be used in dairy products, ice cream and other frozen desserts. When such products after the shelf life, the study found that only 2% of neotame is lost, which has no effect on the acceptability of the products, while other sweeteners rarely reach this level. Neotame is especially suitable for yogurt production.


Baked Food


Unlike aspartame, neotame is stable under instantaneous high temperature, so it can be used in cookies, cakes, chocolate cakes and other baked foods. For example, in cake production, after baking at 450℃, 85% neotame still exists; However, at 25℃ and 60% relative humidity for 5 days, only 4% neotame is lost. In fact, even 20% loss will not affect the product.