“San Lu” CMC -FH9

It's white or light yellow fibrous powder, almost tasteless, moisture absorption.




1. Commodity name: Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose

2. English name: Carboxymethylcellulose sodium

3. Commonly known as: CMC

4. CAS: No 9004-32-4

5. Brand]: San Lu

6. Type: FH9

7. Specification: 25kg/ bag

8. Character:

It's white or light yellow fibrous powder, almost tasteless, moisture absorption. 1% the pH value of aqueous suspension is 6.5-8.5. It easily dispersed in water to form a colloidal solution, insoluble in most solvents (ethanol, acetone, ethyl ether). Generally it divided into acid and not acid.




Store in clean, cool, dry and sealed con­di­tion.




Food In­dus­try


CMC is not only a good emul­sion sta­bi­lizer and thick­ener in food ap­pli­ca­tion, but also has ex­cel­lent freez­ing and melt­ing sta­bil­ity, which can im­prove the fla­vor of prod­ucts and pro­long the stor­age time. It is about 1% ~ 1.5% in soy milk, ice cream, ice cream, jelly, bev­er­age and canned food. CMC can also form sta­ble emul­sion dis­per­sion with vine­gar, soy sauce, veg­etable oil, fruit juice, gravy and veg­etable juice.


Med­ical In­dus­try


It can be used as emul­sion sta­bi­lizer for in­jec­tion, binder and film-form­ing agent for tablets in phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal in­dus­try. Some peo­ple have proved that CMC is a safe and re­li­able car­rier of an­ti­cancer drugs by ba­sic and an­i­mal ex­per­i­ments. Us­ing CMC as mem­brane ma­te­r­ial, the mod­i­fied for­mu­la­tion of Nour­ish­ing Yin and Pro­mot­ing Gran­u­la­tion Pow­der-Nour­ish­ing Yin and Pro­mot­ing Gran­u­la­tion Mem­brane can be used for skin grind­ing op­er­a­tion wounds and trau­matic wounds.


Tex­tile In­dus­try


Used as siz­ing agent, thick­ener of print­ing and dye­ing pulp, tex­tile print­ing and stiff­en­ing fin­ish­ing in tex­tile in­dus­try. Used in siz­ing agent can im­prove sol­u­bil­ity and vis­cos­ity, and is easy to de­size; As a stiff­en­ing fin­ish­ing agent, its dosage is above 95%; When used as siz­ing agent, the strength and bend­abil­ity of siz­ing film are ob­vi­ously im­proved.