"Meichen" Defoamer

Fast de­foam­ing / good de­foam­ing per­for­mance / chem­i­cal sta­bil­ity



1. Com­mod­ity name:De­foamer

2. Brand:Me­ichen

3. Spec­i­fi­ca­tion:5kg×4 bottles/box

4. De­foamer, also known as de­foamer, is a food ad­di­tive that re­duces sur­face ten­sion, in­hibits foam gen­er­a­tion or elim­i­nates foam gen­er­a­tion dur­ing food pro­cess­ing.

5. There are seven kinds of de­foamers li­censed in China, such as emul­si­fied sil­i­cone oil, fatty acid es­ter com­pound of higher al­co­hol, poly­oxyeth­yl­ene poly­oxypropy­lene pen­taery­thri­tol ether, poly­oxyeth­yl­ene poly­oxypropanol amine ether, poly­oxypropy­lene glyc­erol ether, poly­oxypropy­lene poly­oxyeth­yl­ene glyc­erol ether and poly­di­methyl­silox­ane. 

6. De­foamer, also known as anti-foam­ing agent, will pro­duce many harm­ful foams in the process of in­dus­trial pro­duc­tion, so it is nec­es­sary to add de­foamer.




It should be stored un­der dry and cool con­di­tions, sealed, ven­ti­lated, low room tem­per­a­ture, and pro­tected from light.



Pe­tro­leum In­dus­try


Sil­i­cone oil de­foamer is widely used in pe­tro­leum in­dus­try, and has be­come an in­dis­pens­able im­por­tant as­sis­tant in the pro­duc­tion process. Be­cause of the ex­ten­sive use of strong foam­ing toi­let sur­fac­tant in drilling fluid, de­foam­ing agent is not only nec­es­sary for crude oil ex­trac­tion, but also nec­es­sary in the post-re­fin­ing process of crude oil.


Tex­tile In­dus­try


Tex­tile in­dus­try is one of the de­part­ments with the largest amount of sil­i­cone oil de­foamer. Among the eight main processes of fab­ric pro­cess­ing (spin­ning, siz­ing, weav­ing, de­siz­ing, scour­ing, bleach­ing, dye­ing (tie dye­ing) and fin­ish­ing), four processes (siz­ing, scour­ing, dye­ing and fin­ish­ing) need to use sur­fac­tants and other aux­il­iaries, so there are foam trou­bles in dif­fer­ent de­grees.


Syn­thetic Rub­ber & Resin In­dus­try


In the pro­duc­tion process of polyvinyl chlo­ride (PVC) floor, it is nec­es­sary to coat a layer of PVC sol film. In or­der to im­prove the wear re­sis­tance of the sur­face, there are dense bub­bles in PVC sol, which will af­fect the trans­parency and beauty of the coat­ing if not elim­i­nated. When 0.2% (cal­cu­lated by PVC) of mod­i­fied sil­i­cone oil de­foamer is added, the vac­uum de­foam­ing speed of sol can be ac­cel­er­ated, the vis­cos­ity of sol so­lu­tion can be re­duced, and the work­a­bil­ity can be im­proved. The cured sol film has smooth sur­face with­out bub­bles.