"Haotian" Stevioside

Stevioside is white or yellowish crystalline powder with cool and sweet taste, strong taste and slightly bitter taste.




1. Commodity name:Stevioside

2. Brand: Haotian

3. Specification: 1kg*20 packets/box;

4. Popular name:Sugared chrysanthemum, sugared grass

5. CAS:57817-89-7

6. Chemical formula:C38H60O18

7. Molar mass: 804.87

8. Stevioside is a new sweetener extracted from Asteraceae herb Stevia. White or yellowish crystalline powder, with cool sweet taste slightly bitter taste, the sweet taste could be lasted for a long time in the mouth.

9. The characteristics of stevioside are high sweetness and low calorie. Its sweetness is 200-300 times of that of sucrose, calorific value is only 1/300 of that of the same. Sucralose is an ideal sugar substitute sweetener. The melting point is 196-198℃, high temperature resistance, and stable in acidic and alkaline solution.




Store in clean, cool, dry and sealed con­di­tion.




Daily Chem­i­cal In­dus­try


Adding ste­vio­side into chew­ing gum and tooth­paste can not only pro­mote the sweet­ness of prod­ucts, but also re­duce the pro­lif­er­a­tion of harm­ful bac­te­ria in the mouth and re­duce the oc­cur­rence of den­tal caries. Ste­vio­side has been used in many kinds of tooth­paste, chew­ing gum and cos­met­ics.


Food Pro­cess­ing


It can be used for mak­ing tea, bev­er­age, snack, canned food, pick­led prod­ucts, pre­served fruit cake, wine, meat prod­ucts, etc.


Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals In­dus­try


The Min­istry of Health ap­proved the ap­pli­ca­tion of ste­vio­side in med­i­cine in 1992. Many prod­ucts have been de­vel­oped, such as or­ange VC, thirsty and throat tablets, chil­dren's com­pound sul­famethox­a­zole, cough syrup, zinc glu­conate oral liq­uid and so on.