“Vita” Acesulfame-K (Box)

Acesulfame-K is a colorless to white crystal powder, odorless, have a strong sweet taste.




1. Commodity name:Acesulfame-K 

2. Name:Acesulfame Potassium(BP、PhEur、USP-NF)

3. Brand:Beijing Vita

4. Specification:1kg*25 packets / box;

5. CAS:55589-62-3

6. Chemical:C4H4KNO4S

7. Molar mass:201.24

8. Properties:

Acesulfame-K is a colorless to white crystal powder, odorless, have a strong sweet taste; the sweetness is about 200 times of sucrose, which is similar with saccharin. It tastes bitter in a high concentration, mixed well with Sugar alcohol, sucrose, and stable. Melting point is about 225 ℃, the maximum absorption spectrum 227nm, density 1.83g/cm3. It is stable under room temperature, non-moisture. It can soluble in water (30g/100ml, 20℃), soluble in ethanol and other organic solvents slightly.




Store in clean, cool, dry and sealed condition.




Food In­dus­try


Ace­sul­fame-K is widely used in food, med­i­cine, cos­met­ics and other in­dus­tries. Food is used in al­most all sweet prod­ucts such as drinks, can­dies, cakes, ice cream, jam, pud­ding, baked food, table sweet buns and dairy prod­ucts. When ace­sul­fame is used alone, the bev­er­age can get sat­is­fac­tory sweet­ness as long as it con­tains 800~1000mg/​L or less.


Fruit Juice, Car­bon­ated & Lac­tic Acid Bac­te­ria Bev­er­ages


Be­cause of its high tem­per­a­ture re­sis­tance, acid and al­kali re­sis­tance and long-term sta­bil­ity in so­lu­tion, Ace­sul­fame-K is very suit­able for all kinds of bev­er­ages, in­clud­ing fruit juice, car­bon­ated drinks and lac­tic acid bac­te­ria drinks, as a sweet­ener.


Jelly, Pud­ding, Jam


When used in the pro­duc­tion of jelly pud­ding and jam prod­ucts, in or­der to im­prove the tex­ture of these prod­ucts, some fillers such as sor­bitol must be added, which can pro­duce prod­ucts with much lower en­ergy than su­crose prod­ucts and will not cause tooth-break­ing phe­nom­e­non.