"Jinsha" Sodium Diacetate(Box)

White hygroscopic crystalline powder or crystalline solid / with acetic acid smell / easily soluble in water and ethanol.




1. Prod­uct name: Sodium di­ac­etate

2. Alias: sodium hy­dro­gen ac­etate; two sodium ac­etate; sodium ac­etate

3. CAS: 126-96-5

4. Chem­i­cal: C4H7­NaO4

5. Spec­i­fi­ca­tion: 1KG*20 packets/box

6. Mo­lar mass: 142.09

7. Char­ac­ter:

Sodium di­ac­etate is a mul­ti­func­tional food chem­i­cal, mainly used for food and feed in­dus­try, preser­v­a­tives, fungi­cides. Chelat­ing agent, fla­vor­ing agent, pH reg­u­la­tor, meat preser­va­tion agent, as well as the ma­jor raw ma­te­r­ial of com­pound mildew, white hy­gro­scopic crys­talline pow­der or crys­talline solid, with acetic acid odor, sol­u­ble in wa­ter and ethanol.




Store in clean, cool, dry and sealed con­di­tion.






Adding 0.1-0.2%1-2 kg/​ton SDA to feed can ef­fec­tively pre­vent feed mildew and pro­long the stor­age pe­riod of feed for 1-2 months. Adding 0.1-0.3% SDA to com­pound feed can keep the feed fresh for 3-5 months. Adding 0.05-0.2% SDA to the gran­u­lar com­pound feed can in­crease the uti­liza­tion rate of pro­tein in the feed by 11%, in­crease the weight of fish by over 10%, and in­crease the weight of piglets by 6-8%.


Aquatic Prod­uct


Adding 0.1-0.2% SDA to aquatic feed can ef­fec­tively pre­vent and con­trol fish dis­eases caused by ho­mol­o­gous mi­croor­gan­isms and can be used as clar­i­fi­ca­tion dis­in­fec­tant for fish ponds; Adding 0.05-0.3% SDA to poul­try feed can pre­vent chicken di­ar­rhea and im­prove the sur­vival rate of brood­ing pe­riod by more than 10%.




The milk pro­tein con­tent of dairy cows can be ef­fec­tively in­creased by adding proper amount in milk com­pound feed.