“Star Lake” Ethyl maltol pure flavor (Box)

Ethyl maltol is a white crystalline powder or needle like crystals, with lasting caramel and fruit aroma, taste very sweet, and the solution is stable.


1. Commodity name: Ethyl maltol

2. Name: 3- -2- hydroxy ethyl -4- pyran

3. Brand: Star Lake

4. Specification: 0.5kg*20 bottles/box

5. English name: Ethyl maltol

6. CAS: 4940-11-8

7. Chemical: C7H8O3

8. Molar mass: 140.15

9. Type: pure flavor, scorch flavor

10. Properties:

Ethyl maltol is a white crystalline powder or needle like crystals, with lasting caramel and fruit aroma, taste very sweet, and the solution is stable. 1 grams of this product is soluble in water about 55 ml, 10 ml and 17 ml of ethanol, propylene glycol or 5 ml of chloroform. Melting point: 89-92 degree.


Store in clean, cool, dry and sealed condition.




Pure Scent


Fruits have out­stand­ing fra­grance. Adding var­i­ous fruits, cold fruit prod­ucts, nat­ural fruit juices, var­i­ous bev­er­ages, cold drinks, al­co­holic bev­er­ages, dairy prod­ucts, bread and cakes, soy sauce, Chi­nese patent med­i­cines, cos­met­ics and var­i­ous to­bacco fla­vors can ob­vi­ously im­prove the fruity fla­vor, in­hibit the bit­ter, sour and as­trin­gent tastes, and ob­tain the most suit­able fruity and sweet fla­vor. Es­pe­cially, it can be used to pre­pare var­i­ous fla­vors and fra­grances for cig­a­rettes, which can make the cig­a­rette taste more mel­low and fra­grant, re­duce the dry­ness and bit­ter­ness of the mouth and throat af­ter smok­ing, and make the mouth and throat feel smooth and com­fort­able.


Caramel Scent


It has a very strong caramel fla­vor, which has a strong syn­er­gis­tic ef­fect on the orig­i­nal sweet and de­li­cious fla­vor of var­i­ous foods. Ap­plic­a­ble to meat prod­ucts, roasted meat prod­ucts, canned food, condi­ments, can­dies, bis­cuits, bread, choco­late, co­coa prod­ucts, ce­re­als, be­tel nuts, pre­served fruits and var­i­ous feeds. Es­pe­cially when added into var­i­ous meat prod­ucts, it can re­act with amino acids in meat, and ob­vi­ously im­prove the fla­vor of meat. There­fore, var­i­ous food in­dus­tries are widely used to­day.