“Jinsha” Sodium EDTA(Box)

A white crystalline powder, soluble in water, insoluble in ethanol, ethyl ether.




1. Commodity name: Sodium EDTA

2. Name: Eth­yl­ene­di­aminete­traacetic acid dis­odium salt

3. Brand: Jinsha

4. Specification: 1KG*20 packets/box

5. CAS: 139-33-3

6. Chem­i­cal: C10H14N2­Na2O8

7. Mo­lar mass: 139-33-3

8. Melt­ing: 252

9. Na­ture:

White crys­talline pow­der can dis­solve in wa­ter, al­most in­sol­u­ble in ethanol, ether, its aque­ous so­lu­tion pH value of about 5.3. Eth­yl­ene­di­aminete­traacetic acid dis­odium salt or sodium salt for ex­cel­lent com­plex­ing agent (chelat­ing agent), is mainly used for wa­ter soft­en­ing, can ef­fec­tive chelat­ing hard wa­ter in a va­ri­ety of metal ions (mainly cal­cium, mag­ne­sium, iron, lead, cop­per, man­ganese and other).





Store in clean, cool, dry and sealed con­di­tion.




Chem­i­cal In­dus­try


It can be used as wa­ter soft­ener, sta­bi­lizer, syn­thetic rub­ber, poly­mer­iza­tion ini­tia­tor and heavy metal quan­ti­ta­tive an­a­lyzer in gen­eral med­i­cine, food, agri­cul­tural chem­i­cal fer­til­izer pro­duc­tion, blood an­ti­co­ag­u­lant, de­ter­gent, etc.


Daily Chem­i­cal Iin­dus­try


This prod­uct is used as bleach­ing fixer, dye­ing as­sis­tant, fiber treat­ment agent and cos­metic ad­di­tive for color pho­to­graphic ma­te­ri­als wash­ing and pro­cess­ing.


The Chem­i­cal Iin­dus­try


In the chlo­ri­na­tion-re­duc­tion ini­ti­a­tion sys­tem for styrene-bu­ta­di­ene rub­ber poly­mer­iza­tion, dis­odium EDTA, as a com­po­nent of ac­tive agent, is mainly used to com­plex iron ions and con­trol the poly­mer­iza­tion rate.