"Yingxuan" Sodium Cit­rate

Sodium cit­rate is a col­or­less crys­tal or white crys­talline pow­der, odor­less, salty spicy cool. 




1. Com­mod­ity name: Sodium cit­rate

2. Name: cit­ric acid three sodium

3. Brand: COFCO

4. Spec­i­fi­ca­tion: 25kg/ bag

5. Alias: sodium cit­rate

6. CAS: 68-04-2

7. Chem­i­cal: C6H5O7­Na3·2H2O 

8. Mo­lar mass: 294.10

9. Na­ture:

Sodium cit­rate is a col­or­less crys­tal or white crys­talline pow­der, odor­less, salty spicy cool. It's sta­ble at room tem­per­a­ture, slight del­i­ques­cence in moist air and with weath­er­ing re­sis­tance in hot air. Heated to 150 de­grees Cel­sius lost crys­tal wa­ter. Sol­u­ble in wa­ter, in­sol­u­ble in ethanol, the pH value of 5% aque­ous so­lu­tion was 7.6~8.6.




Avoid light, seal­ing, ven­ti­la­tion, low tem­per­a­ture, dry and cool.



Food In­dus­try


Sodium cit­rate used in cool drinks can al­le­vi­ate sour taste and im­prove taste. Adding this prod­uct in brew­ing can pro­mote sac­cha­r­i­fi­ca­tion, with a dosage of about 0.3%. Sodium cit­rate can be used as emul­si­fier and sta­bi­lizer, with a dosage of 0.2%~0.3%. This prod­uct can also be used as an anti-ran­cid­ity agent for dairy prod­ucts, a tack­i­fier for processed cheese and fish prod­ucts, and a sweet­ness cor­rec­tor for food.


Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals In­dus­try


In med­i­cine, sodium cit­rate is also widely used. Be­cause cit­rate and cal­cium ions can form sol­u­ble com­plexes, they can be used as an­ti­co­ag­u­lants and blood trans­fu­sion agents to pre­serve and process blood prod­ucts. Sodium cit­rate is used as preser­v­a­tive to pre­serve syrup and other drugs. Sodium cit­rate, like potas­sium salt, is used to cor­rect the acid­ity of blood, body flu­ids and urine, and is used as di­uretic and ex­pec­to­rant. Sodium cit­rate com­bined with other reagents can be used to ex­tract and pu­rify RNA from an­i­mal liver.


Chem­i­cal In­dus­try


Sodium cit­rate has the char­ac­ter­is­tics of good wa­ter sol­u­bil­ity, ex­cel­lent chelat­ing abil­ity to Ca2+, Mg2+ and other metal ions in wa­ter, biodegrad­abil­ity, dis­persibil­ity and strong anti-re­de­po­si­tion abil­ity, so it is grad­u­ally be­com­ing a sub­sti­tute for sodium tripolyphos­phate, which is used to pro­duce phos­pho­rus-free wash­ing pow­der, es­pe­cially phos­pho­rus-free liq­uid de­ter­gent. Adding a cer­tain amount of sodium cit­rate into de­ter­gent can ob­vi­ously in­crease the de­ter­gency of de­ter­gent.