"Sensient"  Fruit Green Pigment

Com­pound col­orant/ fruit green 97CC0182 / In­gre­di­ent list:tartrazine, brilliant blue, sodium chloride




1. Commodity name: Compound col­orant

2. Type:97CC0182

3. Brand:Sen­sient

4. In­gre­di­ent:tartrazine, brilliant blue, sodium chloride

5. Shelf life:6 years

6. Spec­i­fi­ca­tion:1kg×20 bot­tles / box

7. By the end of 1998, the state ap­proved to al­low the use of syn­thetic pig­ment are: ama­ranth, ama­ranth alu­minum lake, carmine, carmine alu­minum lake, ery­thro­sine ery­thro­sine alu­minum lake, new red, new red alu­minum lake . Lemon, lemon yel­low alu­minum lake, sun­set yel­low, sun­set yel­low alu­minum lake, bright blue; light blue alu­minum lake, in­digo, in­digo blue alu­minum lake, sodium cop­per chloro­phyll, B- carotene, ti­ta­nia , the temp­ta­tion to red; Acid red, a to­tal of 21 kinds. More fre­quent do­mes­tic use syn­thetic pig­ments are of nine species, in­clud­ing ama­ranth, carmine, new red, lemon yel­low, sun­set yel­low, in­digo, light blue, crim­son, red and temp­ta­tions red.

8. Na­ture:

Syn­thetic col­orants are the main raw ma­te­ri­als of chem­i­cal prod­ucts. Or­ganic pig­ments are mainly pro­duced by chem­i­cal syn­the­sis. Ac­cord­ing to the chem­i­cal struc­ture, it can be di­vided into azo pig­ment and non azo type pig­ment. Ac­cord­ing to the sol­u­bil­ity it can be di­vided into oil sol­u­ble pig­ment and wa­ter sol­u­ble pig­ment. The char­ac­ter­is­tics of ar­ti­fi­cial col­ors: bright color; hue; sta­bil­ity; col­or­ing; fast­ness; color easy; easy to use; low cost; a wide range of ap­pli­ca­tions.





Sealed in a dry en­vi­ron­ment of 10-45°C.




Col­or­ing of Drinks & Liquor


It is mainly used for color dec­o­ra­tion of car­bon­ated drinks, fruit juice drinks, mixed wine and cakes.


Col­or­ing of Candy & Ice Cream


Mainly used for col­or­ing of candy, hawthorn prod­ucts, pick­led dishes, ice cream, jelly, choco­late, cream, in­stant cof­fee and other foods.


Col­or­ing of Cos­metic


Used for col­or­ing of cos­metic, such as lip­stick.