“Tianjin north satellite” Saccharin Sodium

White powder, odorless or slightly aroma, sweet taste bitter.




1. Commodity name: Saccharin sodium

2. Brand: Tianjin North Satellite

3. Specification: 25kg/ bag; 0.5kg*40 packets / box;

4. English name: Sodium Saccharin

5. CAS: 128-44-9

6. Chemical formula: C6H4SO2NNaCO - 2H2O

7. Molar mass: 241.2

8. Mesh: 4-6 mesh, 5-8 mesh, 8-12 mesh, 8-16 mesh, 10-20 mesh, 20-40 mesh, 40-80 mesh, 80-100 mesh etc.

9. Properties:

Saccharin sodium, also known as Soluble Saccharin, saccharin sodium, with two of the crystallization of sodium saccharin water, colorless crystal or slightly white crystalline powder, generally contain two crystal water, easy to lose water of crystallization to become saccharin anhydrous, which is white powder, odorless or slightly aroma, sweet taste bitter. Sweetness is about 500 times that of sucrose. Weak of heat and alkali resistance, heating it under acidic conditions the sweetness gradually disappears, bitter taste if the solution concentration is more than 0.026%.



Store in clean, cool, dry and sealed condition.




Food In­dus­try


Used as gen­eral cold drink, bev­er­age, jelly, cool fruit, pro­tein sugar, etc.


Daily Chem­i­calIn­dus­try


Used as tooth­paste, swish­ing wa­ter, eye drops, etc.


Elec­tro­plat­ing In­dus­try


Elec­tro­plat­ing grade sac­cha­rin sodium is mainly used for elec­tro­plat­ing nickel, which is used as bright­ener.